
Saturday, March 28, 2015

Hartford Ave Project

Negative: Never-ending Winter

Positive: Weather is above the freezing point!

One difficulty moving to the Northeast was finding things to do in the winter. Now that we can see the grass through the snow, I’m taking on projects.

Hartford Ave Project
My client is in the process of building a home and needs a dresser for her guest bedroom. The current dresser is girly and desires a push to become as elegant as her new home. She's using her childhood furniture ( a great idea for new homeowners ) to decorate the spare bedroom.
I'll paint the dresser white (Antique White by Glidden) to compliment the room (painted Beguiling Mauve by Sherwin Williams).

Check back for updates on this beauty!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

How Spring Can Inspire Home Design

Negative: Connecticut Weather

Positive: Holiday Cheer

My Springtime wreath suffered the elements last year.

Believe it or not, Spring has begun in Connecticut and it snowed today!

I thought my wreath needed an upgrade. I decided to make a piece that could be hung outdoors, or indoors after Easter is over.

Hobby Lobby was the perfect stop for my crosses. I used Loctite to glue one cross to another.
To hang, I had leftover lace curtains from a previous project which I cut and tied.

1. Try mixing shapes. The smooth curves create interest behind the sharper woodwork and intricate wrought iron.
2. Use different textures. I mixed wood with iron for a cold (iron) and warm (wood) contrast.
3. Think outside the wreath. The flower wreath is a tradition, as you can see I tried to go with lilies last year, but don't be afraid to stray from the traditional wreath. Opting for a cross allows you to use this décor year-round.




Status: Not for Sale
It may not feel like spring, but a girl can try!
Happy Spring!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Wedding Guestbook Alternative

I envisioned our engagement photos to be pieces of artwork and wanted to showcase that at our wedding. I decided to create sign-able artwork for our home that will hang for years to come. My step-dad and master carpenter helped me out with this project.

You will need:

-photo of choice (the one pictured is an 8x10)
-a frame (the one pictured is 18x24)

-a mat ($8 at Michaels and enough material for 2 18x24 frames)


-exacto knife

-ruler or straightedge


1. Cut the mat to the size of your photo.

Tips from Joe: 
  • Trace with the lightest number pencil.
  • Cut multiple times against a straight edge.
  • Cut on top of a wood surface; when you hear the knife cut through the wood you've done your job.
  • Always cut on the inside, meaning, if your hand accidentally moves it cuts into the space you will be throwing away rather than the side people will sign.

2. Place down the mat, photo, glass and then backing. This way people can sign the mat during cocktail hour.

When we hang the frame at home, we'll put the glass down first to protect the signatures.



Status: Not for Sale

Just for you:


Saturday, March 7, 2015

Shakespeare Inspired Nursery Canvas Art

Negative: Broken Sewing Machine
Positive: Shakespeare Inspired Nursery Art
A coworker is pregnant with a baby girl and her nursery colors are light green and lavender. I had the prettiest fabric combo ready to make a quilt but 30 seconds into sewing my machine jammed. I cut the thread and kept on working. After a few more times the machine completely stopped. I lifted the fabric and the needle broke!
I had to finish the project that night with the supplies I had, here’s what you need:
1.       Fabric of choice
2.       Canvas
3.       Staple Gun
4.       Paint and Paintbrush

Since my co-worker is an English teacher and uses the text, A Midsummer Night's Dream, in class, I found this quote to be perfect.


I took a chance by free-handing it but it really paid off!


What I love: This quote is everything to me. When you use quotes that are meaningful to your family, it ads character to your home.
What I would change: Next time, I’ll take a step back from my sewing machine before I break the needle!
Do you have an inspirational quote you live by? Share with me!
Status: Not for Sale