
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Red Rocking Chair

My childhood rocking chair made it from my grandmother’s house in Georgia to our home in Connecticut. Right now the baby's nursery is mostly blue and grey. This chair is giving me a chance to incorporate some color in the room.  The theme is space, so we are taking inspiration from NASA. Our little buddy will have his own commander chair!

(The red is Rapture Red by Glidden)

I love customizing pieces for families. Contact me here if you are thinking about transforming one of your furniture pieces. I can help make your vision come true!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Quilt Rack Giveaway

One thing I learned from being pregnant so far is that everyone will give you quilts and blankets. I’m not complaining, really, my son will never be cold! My collection of blankets has inspired me to paint this quilt rack. Now I didn’t buy it new, I reused parts to an old crib from a previous project. This was the railing of the crib.

A nice neutral white, Crisp Linen White, by Glidden made this impromptu project a practical addition to the nursery!
My favorite quilt is the one my mom made for the nursery, space themed!
This quilt rack has a sister that is yet to be painted. The first comment on Facebook gets a quilt rack for their home! It's 52 inches tall and 2 feet wide. I only hung 4 of my most sentimental quilts but with 11 rungs the rack can hold many more. If you have the perfect spot in your home to display your quilts, maybe the living room or guest bedroom, all you have to do is tell me the color you want it painted and it will be delivered to you! For centrally located CT residents only.  

Monday, August 14, 2017

Guest Bedroom Reveal

Finally!!! The day is here. All of the rooms in our home have been painted! We chose Outer Sphere by Benjamin Moore for the guest bedroom. The color reminds us of mint chocolate chip ice cream. It completely brightened up the room and made it look bigger. Probably because the busy wallpaper is gone! The floors even look better in the before and after!




 Now we're ready to have guests visit Baby Wesley. Just 3 more months!

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Crib Turned Chalkboard Easel

This crib has been in this family for 3 generations! No longer safe to be used as a crib, the owner was looking for a new way to keep this piece alive. It is painted Bright Teal Surprise by Glidden. I was happy to keep the original hardware for a place to keep the chalk and eraser.



Do you have a piece you just can’t seem to let go of? I can help transform it into a practical furniture or home décor item that complements your home! Send me your pictures at