
Saturday, May 9, 2015

3 Unique Ways to Reuse your Wedding Fabrics

Negative: Overwhelmed after Wedding
Positive: Reuse, Reduce, Recycle
Since we have had a two year engagement, planning has gone quite smoothly. Now that we are down to the last 34 days, we’ve picked up the pace. Making appointments, calling Uncle Eddy, emailing the DJ, writing thank yous, and on and on and on. One of the things on my To Do List is to figure out what to do with all of our supplies AFTER the wedding. The florist gets the vases, my parents will keep the columns, the planner gets the frames, and the list continues.
If you have any leftover fabric that’s sentimental, think of these options before you store your gown under your bed.
3 Unique Ways to Reuse your Wedding Fabrics
1. Pillows: My mom made me pillows from my overlay on the sweetheart table.

2. Rehearsal Dress: My stepmother let me use her wedding dress as I pleased. As I knew I would never fit into myself, I’m cutting a pattern and making a dress for my rehearsal dinner.

3. Play Dates: My flower girl was 3 years old when I first met her. Her favorite dress to play in was a dress she wore as a flower girl when she was 2. It was perfect for princess parties!  She definitely wore the dress out before she grew out of it.

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