
Saturday, June 4, 2016

Skinny Fruit Trough

One activity I love during Connecticut's summers is going to the Farmer's Market. That means fresh fruits and veggies.
Use your scrap wood to make this easy, skinny fruit trough.
I used 3 inch wide planks and glued them together.

I used some finishing nails and all done!
I've been anxious to try this stain since I heard good things about the finish.

In my experience, the rougher condition the wood is in the better. I tried this stain once before on a really smooth piece of wood and the color barely showed up. This scrap wood had chunks missing and little nooks and crannies all over the place.



Alternatives to the (fruit) in the fruit trough:
Dried hydrangeas
Add soil and plant your favorite herbs
Decorate for the season; Think gourds and mini pumpkins in the Fall
School supplies; Make a command center for homework or a coloring station

Happy Summer!

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