
Saturday, January 21, 2017

How to Use a Paint Pen

Usually when I paint words I just trust myself to free write with a can of paint and a paint brush. See some of those projects here:
When I made this artwork for the living room I wanted to make sure it had a specific font and was spaced appropriately so I used a paint pen for the first time! Here’s how I did it!
You will need:
A paint pen
Printed phrase
1.       Print your words and lay them out across your artwork. (I use to create my letters)
2.       Trace your letters onto the wood. There should be faint lines left on the wood for you to use as a guide while you paint.

That says "it's"
3.       Fill in your letters with the paint pen.

·         Each letter will be consistent with each other.
·         The spacing will be pre-planned.
·         You can choose what type of font you want rather than your own handwriting.
·         If you press too hard with your pen it will leave indentations in the wood. (In reality, no one can see that unless you inspect the wood up close.)
·         If you press too hard with the paint pen, the paint can bleed onto the wood.
Come learn how to use a paint pen at my DIY party! Save the date: Sunday, April 2nd, 11 am. We will be making flower boxes and decorating using paint pens just in time for Spring!

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